Free Spirits Blog

On A Rainy Day

On A Rainy Day
Jinmon tote bag 2way

Show him your appreciation on Father's day

Show him your appreciation on Father's day
for your father's day gift ideas Free Spirits

Meeting a craftsman - Aoki

Meeting a craftsman - Aoki
Aoki Japanese leather bag men's business bag

Meeting a craftsman - Roberu

Meeting a craftsman - Roberu
Roberu leather products

Meeting a craftsman - Beerbelly

Meeting a craftsman - Beerbelly
leather bag brand beerbelly

Meeting a craftsman - Inose

Meeting a craftsman - Inose
Inose craftsman leather bag for men

Stories to tell

Stories to tell
leather craftsmen studio sawing machine

Free Spirits Original

Free Spirits Original
leather name card holder

New color for new season

New color for new season
color variation of leather items

Leather item for working man

Leather item for working man
Free Spirits was featured on Kobe Newspaper. It was published on March 22,2016. The title was "Selective leather item for working man".Since then t...

The impression of its aging

The impression of its aging
Free Spirits Kobe shop will celebrate the third year in May.On the other day, our loyal customer purchased a M-piu tote bag  who had a Cotona walle...

Original leather signboard

Original leather signboard